Dear Ralph:  I’ll be turning 30 in a few days and I’m wondering…if you could go back and talk to your 30 year-old self and pass along some advice, what would you say?  ― Austin in Austin

Signature upper-body photo of Inner Space host, Ralph Williams, smiling and standing with arms crossed.

Dear Austin:  That’s a really good question! I should make a list of the Top 10 things I would say because you learn a lot as you go along and my 30 year-old self was very naive and clueless in a host of areas. But hmmm, if I had to pare it down to one thing, I think it would be this:

Observe the world closely and listen to others, but when it comes to actually navigating your own path, try to tune out the outside noise and listen to your inner voice. Sounds obvious, I know, but it’s easy to get seduced and sidetracked by what other people think (especially nowadays with social media and the pursuit of LIKES and validation). There’s a lot of messaging out there about “living your best life” and “you doing you”, but let’s face it, that’s easier said than done. I’m not suggesting that we need to tune people out entirely or not consider the impact of our decisions on othersnot at all! What I’m saying is, the truth of ourselves lies within, and if we’re going to tap into that wisdom, we can’t give too much weight to what other people say or think we should do. You can listen, of courseparticularly to trustworthy friends or family membersbut listen to yourself more. MUCH more. And remember that a lot of the input you receive from others should be taken with a grain of salt. 

Now, there are times when we need to consult with specialists or key individuals to help us make decisions. That’s totally okay! In fact, it can be very beneficial to consult with an objective and “disinterested” 3rd party, as with a counselor or financial advisor. But even then, we still have to take those opinions and that gathered information and decide what to do with it. The fact is, too, if you mold yourself too much to the expectations, opinions, and needs of others, you can end up steering someone else’s ship and not your own…and who wants THAT? Some people may even try to convince you (whether intentionally or not) to do things that are in their interest and not yours. This is a harsh reality that took me years to face and come to terms with. We always want to think that the people we consider friends or loved ones have our best interest at heartbut sometimes they don’t.

It’s easy to lose yourself in the noise of life, I know! So Austin, my final piece of advice for you is this: whenever you are faced with an important decision, ask yourself, “What is the right thing for me to do in this situation? What is the best thing for both me and those around me? What would I like to see happen?” You can listen to the opinions of others, of course, but as I said earlier, the world is a very self-involved place, and in the end, you have to tune out the racket and move your attention and trust down to yourself. Because you are following a path that is uniquely yours. This is your lifeYOU DECIDE.

Hope that helps!