Selfie of Dana Brock with her head in a plastic fish bowl.

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A Candid Look at Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Alone-Time with Caregiver and Elder Exercise Instructor, Dana Brock

Part 6:


On Addictions & Health

RALPH:  Do you have any tips for overcoming unhealthy addictions and developing a better lifestyle?

DANA:   Well, I’m still smoking cigarettes, so I’m not sure that any health tips I offer will carry much weight. Yeah, I know I need to stop smoking, but I’m procrastinating, and I think it’s partly because smoking is connected to so many other activities in my life. Plus, it is one of the few indulgences that I still allow myself. Of course I blame myself for not being able to quit, but oddly enough, blame has sometimes worked for me as a motivational tool. That’s actually how I managed to lose weight in my youth. I’d tell myself, You’re fat!” and then I’d buckle down and lose 5 pounds. I even ran across a diary entry recently when I was a sophomore in high school and guys were starting to ask me out, and I wrote, Oh my gosh, I’m a cow, I don’t want to go! I struggled so much with anxiety and eating issues back then. I still struggle with anxiety today, but the eating disorder stuff has been in the background for several decades now, thank goodness.

Yes, the cigarette habit is still with me, and that bothers me. Sometimes I think I need to replace it with a healthy habit, like running or yoga. I’ve thought about taking Chantix, too, but there are side effects to that, especially for people who are a bit up and down emotionally. So that’s probably not a good option for me, but going cold turkey isn’t realistic, either. All I know is, I need a plan! And once I find it, I’m also going to need at least a 5-day countdown to get ready before it goes into effect. You know, this is starting to sound a lot like, Bye-Bye Binky, only this time around, it’s Mama who needs to let go of something. Hmmm, maybe I should reread that book.

Dana Brock exercises at home, balancing on one leg as her arms and free leg extend upwards.

Balance training in hippie tights

I tend to be on my feet a lot during the day, working and running errands, and by nightfall, they can really hurt. I think I’ve gained a little weight recently, and even if it’s just a few pounds, I’ll feel it in my knees. As you age, I think it’s important to keep your weight down, your strength up, and to get your heart rate going regularly. Plus, that’s one of the best ways to fight cognitive decline. Exercise, like sleep, has a powerful rejuvenation-effect on the body and mind. It’s not a miracle pill, but its effects can sometimes be close to miraculous. The fact is, we humans used to hunt for our food and migrate long distances and build shelters, so it’s built into our body programming. We’re wired for physical work and exercise. But with life the way it is now, with everyone working at computers and ordering food from Amazon, it’s no wonder that we’re becoming all jellyfishy around the middle.

I actually think we need to have some incentives built in to our healthcare system to encourage people to set goals and reach them. For instance, if you quit smoking or lose some weight and you drop into a certain healthy range according to your height, then you get to have lower health care! We need to start thinking this way as a nation. C’mon, let’s have some incentives people!

—Dana Brock