IMAGE CRITERIA: Whether your photo is an epic landscape or a close-up of a bee on a flower, it should have a unique, engaging quality to it with an eye towards lighting, focus, and composition. Please save as a JPG, PNG, or TIFF at 120 KB or less.
Formerly Featured as
Dec ’24―by Antoine Gozard
Festive holiday bobbles on a houseplant in Lyon, France.
Nov ’24―by Ralph Williams
Out for a Fall ride in Fort Collins, CO.
Oct ’24―by Grace McEvoy
We all have our dopplegangers.
Sept ’24―by Ralph Williams
Cranking out capuccinos in Florence, Italy!
Aug ’24―by Andy Gozard
Water lilies in Parc de la Tête d’Or (“Park of the Golden Head”) in Lyon, France.
July ’24―by Andrew Michaels
Now THAT’s a good seat! Taken on a pond in Bucksport, Maine.
June ’24―by Grace McEvoy
April-May ’24―by Katherine Nguyen Williams
View of the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, taken from a wildflower field in the totality zone in Prosper, Texas, USA.
March ’24―by Noah Baumgartner
A biker navigates a cobbled street in central Florence, Italy.
Feb ’24―by J. Henderson
Anyone who enjoys puzzles and has a cat will understand this predicament.
Jan ’24―by Marcelle LaRue
Colorful view of the “Quai de la Loire” in Paris.
Dec ’23―by R. Williams
An elaborate red roof is silhouetted against a dimming pastel sky in Geneva, Switzerland.
Nov ’23―by J. Henderson
Umbrella Alley in Quebec City, Canada.
Oct ’23―by Marcus Mann
A beautiful array of autumn leaves on a sidewalk in downtown Seattle, Washington, USA.
Sept ’23―by Birdie Johnson
Krog Street Tunnel in Atlanta, Georgia is an ever-changing canvas of urban graffiti.
July/Aug ’23―by Janie Thompson
Moss-covered branches form a tentacle-like green canopy over a greenbelt trail in Snohomish, Washington, USA.
June ’23―by Marcello Mason
An older couple enjoys some good conversation over a drink at the moody Zig Zag Cafe in Seattle, Washington, USA.
April ’23―by Jan Wotring
Yikes! Two window cleaners dangle off the side of the sleek USG Building in Chicago, IL near Willis Tower. Is it just me or do they look like a couple of ants climbing a wall?
March ’23―by Grace McEvoy
While traveling through remote Alaska, photographer Nine Francois hunkered in the grass to catch a shot of a passing bear while her level-headed friend, Grace McEvoy, hid in the front shovel of a tractor and snapped a photo.
Feb ’23―by Rufus Sinclair
As the mist gathers outside, a small buddha sculpture sits peacefully on a window ledge inside the Visitors Center for The Great Stupa of Dharmakaya in northern Colorado.